Postnatal care program

Pregnancy to Delivery is a beautiful journey that should be cherished forever. But that journey definitely needs a lot of preparations and care during the pregnancy and after the delivery also. Mother should undergone particular treatments (both internal and external) to regain the strength of the body .


  • Regain the strength of abdominal muscles and uterus.
  • Helps to reduce the stretch marks
  • Improves milk production
  • Tone up the body.
  • Reduce the belly fat.
  • Reduces the aches and pains.


  • Abhyanga – classical oil massage
  • Swedana – herbal steam bath
  • Veshtana – classical Ayurvedic bandaging technique
  • sashtikalepam – application of paste made by sashtika rice

Package includes:

  • One to one Ayurvedic consultations
  • Diet and yoga advices
  • Morning tea
  • Daily personalized Ayurvedic therapies varying from 60–90 minutes as advised by specialist
  • 7 days
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