Ayurvedic Treatment for PCOD in Coimbatore
Best Ayurvedic Treatment for PCOD in Coimbatore
Ayurvedic Treatment for PCOD focuses on detoxifying the body and correcting lifestyle imbalances to restore hormonal balance. Humans go through a variety of hormonal changes during various stages of their life and need to be addressed holistically. This includes dietary changes, herbal remedies, lifestyle adjustments, and detoxification techniques to restore hormonal balance.

Pure Herbal

Evidence Based

Guranteed Results
Book An Ayurvedic Treatment for PCOD in Coimbatore.
If you are looking for an Ayurvedic Treatment for PCOD or PCOS in Coimbatre Book an appointment and get free consultation.
What Our Ayurvedic Treatment for PCOD Aims?
Balancing the Doshas
Balancing the doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha
Correcting Metabolism
Correcting metabolic imbalance by restoring bodily functions at the metabolic fire level
Treating Hormonal Imbalance
Support hormonal balance via herbal medication..
Treatment to reduce the ovarian cysts
Our treatment aims to reduce the size of ovarian cysts
Improve the Fertility
Our Therapies and medicines helps to Improve fertility and ovulation
Reduce the insulin resistance
Enhance metabolism and reduce insulin resistance
Manageing symptoms
Manage symptoms like acne, weight gain, and excessive hair growth
Helps to prevent the recurrence
Prevent recurrence and promote long-term wellness
Benefits of Avanika's Ayurvedic Treatment Package for PCOD
- Addresses physical, mental, and emotional aspects of health
- Detoxifies the body and balances doshas
- Supports hormonal regulation and metabolism
- Help enhance reproductive health by regularising ovulation
- Restores hormonal balance
- Reduces stress with yoga and meditation
- Avoid side effects of synthetic medications like metformin
- Improves digestion, skin health, and energy levels
- Result oriented long term wellness treatment
What is PCOD?
PCOD (PolyCystic Ovarian Disorder) is a condition characterized by formation of multiple cysts in the ovaries, due to the production of a significant number of immature or partially mature eggs.
As a result, the ovaries grow in size and generate an enormous quantity of male hormones (androgens), which causes infertility, irregular periods, hair loss, and abnormal weight gain. PCOD can be managed with diet and lifestyle changes
What are the Symptoms of PCOD?
- Menstrual Abnormalities: Irregular or heavy periods, amenorrhea (absence of periods), Oligomenorrhoea, Excessive bleeding.
- Fertility Issues: Infertility
- Hirsutism: Excessive hair growth on the face, chest, or back.
- Skin issues: Acne and pigmentation (acanthosis nigricans).
- Weight gain: Particularly central obesity.
- Infertility: Difficulty conceiving due to anovulation.
- Mood swings: Anxiety, depression, and irritability.
- Fatigue: Persistent low energy levels.
- Night sweats: Common during hormonal fluctuations.
Causes of PCOD
- Excess androgens and disrupted insulin levels.
- Sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, and chronic stress.
- Family history of PCOD or diabetes.
- Exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals.
What is Ayurvedic Concept on POCD?
Ayurveda views PCOD as a disorder caused by imbalance in kapha dosha and metabolic fire (agni), leading to sluggish metabolism and toxin accumulation. Kapha is present in the chest region; it keeps the body stable and strong, through hydration and lubrication. In moderation, kapha represents a state of anabolism. If unregulated, however, it may lead to “maladaptive anabolism” as in polycystic ovary syndrome.
This impaired metabolic fire results in toxin accumulation, leading to disrupted functioning of reproductive and endocrine systems, exacerbating the symptoms
Risk factors
- Primarily affects women in their reproductive years.
- Obesity
- Low quality sleep
- High stress levels
- Family history of reproductive disorders or hormonal imbalance
When to See a Doctor?
It’s essential to seek medical advice if you experience:
- Persistent abnormalities in the menstrual cycle.
- Difficulty conceiving despite regular attempts.
- Rapid weight gain or unexplained obesity.
- Severe acne or hirsutism.
How to Diagnose PCOD?
Diagnosis of PCOD involves:
- Medical History Review
- Symptoms, menstrual history, lifestyle, and family history.
- Physical Examination
- Checking for skin changes, hair growth patterns, and weight distribution.
- Blood Tests
- Hormonal panels (e.g., testosterone, estrogen, insulin levels, prolactin, LH, FSH, DHEAs).
- Imaging Tests
- Ultrasound (TAS/TVS) to detect ovarian cysts.
- Rotterdam Criteria: 2 of the following manifestations- Irregular/absent ovulation, elevated levels of androgen, enlarged ovaries with at least 12 follicles each on USG
- HAIR-AN Syndrome: Presence of Hyperandrogenism, Acanthosis nigricans, Insulin resistance, Anovulation
Ayurvedic treatment for PCOD
Ayurvedic treatment for PCOD primarily corrects Kapha imbalance and disrupts agni (metabolic fire), thereby detoxifying the body, and restoring healthy metabolism.
It consists of a comprehensive approach involving internal medication, external therapies, diet, and lifestyle correction along with promoting mental health through relaxation techniques.
Panchakarma Therapies
- Udvartana (Dry Powder Massage):
- Upward powder massage with herbal powders to eliminate excess kapha dosha
- Takrapana (Buttermilk Therapy):
- This comes under rukshana therapy where the body’s oily constituents are dried up. This removes excess kapha dosha, and excess body fluids. Here buttermilk is used for this therapy which is an excellent ruksha (dryness-imparting) drug.
- Snehapana (Oleation Therapy):
- Internal oleation therapy through the administration of ghee/ sesame oil like varanadi ghruta/moorchita tila taila
- Swedana (Sudation):
- Rooksha sweda (Dry sudation)/ Avagaha sweda (Sitz bath) administered to balance the dosha and open the body channels
- Virechana (Purgation Therapy):
- Eliminates excess Pitta dosha, supports liver metabolism, and promotes hormonal balance.
- Vamana (Emesis Therapy):
- Removes Kapha dosha, stimulates metabolic fire, and detoxifies fat-soluble toxins at the cellular level.
- Basti (Medicated Enema)/ Uttara Vasti:
- Improves digestive fire, eliminates toxins, and balances Vata dosha.
Ayurvedic Medicines
Ayurveda offers a range of herbal remedies to support PCOD management:
Single Herb Formulas:
- Shatavari, Satapushpa, Ashwagandha, Sesame seeds, Garlic, Triphala, Trikatu, Moringa bark etc are helpful in this condition
Multi-herb Formulations:
- Kanasathahwadi Kashayam
- Kulathadi Kashayam
- Chitraka granthikadi Kashayam
- Varanadi kashayam
- Thila kwatham
- Raja Pravartini vati
- Kanchanara guggulu
- Puli lehyam
- Chyawanprash
- Kumaryasava
- Kalyana Ksharam
- Palasa Ksharam
Note: These formulations are to be used strictly as per the advice from a qualified Ayurvedic physician
Regiment During Ayurvedic Treatment for PCOD
Morning Rituals
Wake Up Early:
- Wake up early preferably before sunrise to align with the body’s natural circadian rhythm.
- Drink a glass of luke warm water with a pinch of turmeric to stimulate digestion and cleanse the system.
- Empty your bowels first thing in the morning to rid the body of accumulated waste. If irregular, Ayurvedic herbs like Triphala can help improve digestion.
Oral Care:
- Incorporate oil pulling with sesame or coconut oil to eliminate toxins.
- Brush your teeth and scrape your tongue to remove ama (toxins).
Abhyanga (Oil Massage):
- Massage the whole body with slightly warm sesame oil to improve blood circulation, balance hormones, and calm the mind.
- Go for light to moderate exercises like yoga, brisk walking, or swimming for 30–45 minutes. Yoga poses beneficial for PCOS include:
- Surya Namaskar
- Bhadrasana
- Purna Titli Asana
- Setu bandhasana
- Pranayama poses like Nadi Shodhana (Alternate Nostril Breathing) or Bhramari (Bee Breath)
- Bathe with lukewarm water infused with herbal powders to refresh and purify the mind and body.
- Have a light, warm, and Kapha-pacifying meal
Afternoon Practices
Midday Meal:
- Lunch should be your heaviest meal, as digestion is strongest at this time.
- Drink lukewarm water or herbal teas throughout the day. Avoid cold beverages, which can slow digestion.
- Take a short walk after lunch to aid digestion and prevent Kapha buildup.
Night Ritual
Light Dinner:
- Eat dinner by 7:00 PM and consume light and easily digestible foods
Light Exercise:
- Go for a short walk immediately after the meal to support digestion.
- Enjoy relaxing activities like reading, calming music, or meditation.
Pada Abhyanga:
- Massage your feet with warm sesame oil to ground Vata dosha and improve sleep quality.
Warm Milk:
- Drink warm milk infused with a pinch of nutmeg or cardamom to promote relaxation and support hormonal balance
- Aim to sleep by 10:00 PM. Good-quality sleep is necessary for hormonal balance
Diet During Ayurvedic PCOD Treatment
An Ayurvedic diet for PCOS focuses on pacifying Kapha dosha, improving digestion, and balancing hormones.
Foods to Include
- Whole Grains: Ragi, barley, and little millet can be incorporated to maintain energy levels and reduce Kapha accumulation.
- Vegetables: Fibrous vegetables like broccoli, spinach, carrots, and gourds aid digestion and support detoxification.
- Healthy Fats: Ghee, flaxseeds, almonds, walnuts can be used in moderation to support hormonal balance.
- Spices: Include turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, and black pepper to promote digestion and metabolism.
- Herbal Teas: Drink fenugreek, tulsi, and mint tea for their hormone-regulating properties.
Foods to Avoid
- Refined Sugars and Processed Foods: This increases Kapha and leads to insulin resistance.
- Dairy: Excessive dairy can aggravate symptoms, especially if Kapha is already dominant.
- Fried and Oily Foods: They are heavy and difficult to digest, leading to ama accumulation.
- Cold and Raw Foods: Cold beverages and uncooked foods slow down digestion and metabolic fire.
- Meat: Consumption of chicken, beef etc during the treatment period can result in kapha imbalance
- Rise before sunrise to synchronize with the body’s natural circadian rhythm.
- Incorporate gentle exercises like yoga, brisk walking, or swimming. Specific yoga asanas like Surya Namaskar, Butterfly pose, Bow pose, Warrior pose etc can be beneficial in PCOS.
- Incorporate breathing techniques like anulom vilom and bhramari to keep stress and anxiety at bay
- Opt for yoga, brisk walking, or high intensity strength training to improve insulin sensitivity
- Maintain a consistent sleep wake schedule to support hormonal balance.
- Avoid late-night munching as this can disrupt digestion and increases kapha and ama buildup in the body
- Reduce screen timing and avoid screen usage after 7 pm to limit blue light exposure which in turn helps improve melatonin production.
- Increase water intake
- Reduce cereals, and carbohydrates
- Limit caffeine and alcohol intake.
- Reduce exposure to environmental toxins
- It is essential to not to engage in strenuous exercises as overtraining can stress the body and disrupt hormone production.
Preventive Measures
- Maintain a Healthy Weight: Prevent obesity through a balanced diet and exercise.
- Detox Regularly: Incorporate seasonal cleansing (Ritucharya) to eliminate ama and boost agni.
- Avoid Endocrine Disruptors: Limit exposure to plastics, pesticides, and synthetic chemicals.
- Eat Mindfully: Eat healthy, stay healthy. Keep in mind that what goes inside your body reflects your overall health
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Hours & Contact
28A Bharathi Park 7th Cross, Saibaba Colony, Coimbatore
+9142229 69555
+9189039 69555
Open All Days 7:00 AM -7:00 PM