Ayurvedic Wellness Care Programs
Best Welness Programs in Coimbatore for your Body And Mind
Avanika Ayurvedic offers the best wellness care programs at our Coimbatore center.
The programs include
- Destress Programs
- Detox Programs
- BodySlimming
- Bridal Readiness
- Seasonal Hair care
- Post Natal Care
- Wellness programmes for Professionals

Book A Welness Program in Coimbatore
Looking for a welness treatment in Coimbatore, book an appointment and get a free consultation with our physician.
De-stress Program
Stress is one of the major health issues in recent times.
Nowadays it is very common, even in school-going children.
Overuse of mobile phones, excess workload, lack of proper sleep, untimely food habits, thinking, etc are some of the reasons behind today’s increasing stress-related health problems.
These activities will disturb the normal functioning of our nervous system and brain cells, leading to mental and physical stress in our bodies.
According to Ayurveda Manasikaarogya is as much as important as the balanced state of Dosha, Dhathu and Mala.
Avanika Ayurveda combines classical treatments through our De-stress program to de-stress your body and mind.
- These treatments will cool down your body especially your head.
- Improves blood circulation to brain.
- Make you tension free and relaxed.
- Promotes sound sleep.
- Relaxes body muscles.
- Avanika offers you a calm and relaxed body as well as mind.
- Sirodhara – pouring thin stream of oil on fore head
- Abyanga – classical oil massage
- Elakizhi – sudation treatment bolus contain assorted herbal leafs
- Navarakizhi – potali massage with shashtika rice
Package includes:
- One-to-one Ayurvedic consultations
- Diet and yoga advice
- Morning tea
- Daily personalized Ayurvedic therapies varying from 60–90 minutes as advised by specialist
- 3 days
- 7 days
Detox Program
mportance of detoxification is doubtless in our times. Environmental pollution is increasing day by day and our body’s toxic content also. Because of some reason our body cannot eliminate all the metabolic waste through the natural elimination process.
There needs specialized therapies to eliminate the toxins completely and to keep the body clear and pure. Otherwise these accumulated metabolic toxins will lead to many health issues like skin problems, digestive problems, mal absorption, Obesity etc.
- Maintain the equilibrium of Tridoshas.
- Improves your blood circulation.
- Correct your metabolic errors.
- Opens up the body channels.
- Helps to eliminate the accumulated Mala through our customized purification therapy.
- Abhyanga – classical oil massage
- Swedana – Herbal steam bath
- Udwarthanam – medicated powder massage
- Potaliswedam – sudation treatment bolus contain assorted herbal leafs or powders
- Nasyam – administration of medicine through Nasal rout
- Vasthi – mediated enema
Package includes:
- One to one Ayurvedic consultations
- Diet and yoga advices
- Morning tea
- Daily personalized Ayurvedic therapies varying from 60–90 minutes as advised by specialist
- 5 days
- 7 days
Why are you trying to reduce your weight? Yes, as we all know it will create lots of health issues in our lives. Heart problems, Arthritis, Knee joint pain, Spinal problems, Sexual problems are some of the examples. Overweight/ Obesity is a life style disorder in major cases. So, the solution is also the same- lifestyle change! Avanika Ayurveda helps you to correct the errors in your life style and to modify it in a better way. Along with that Avanika’s special package of classical Ayurvedic treatments will help you to be in shape.
Avanika Ayurveda combines classical treatments through our De stress program to de stress your body and mind.
- It will reduce your unwanted fat depositions and Kapha.
- Strengthen your body
- Improve your skin tone.
- Tighten the skin.
- Regain your natural complexion by correcting the pigmentations.
- Help you to be fit.
- Udwarthana – medicated powder massage
- Abhyanga – classical oil massage
- Swedana – herbal steam bath
- Kashayadhara – pouring of warm decoction on body
- vestana – classical Ayurvedic bandaging technique
Package includes:
- One to one Ayurvedic consultations
- Diet and yoga advices
- Morning tea
- Daily personalized Ayurvedic therapies varying from 60–90 minutes as advised by specialist
- 10 days
- 14 days
Bridal Readiness Program
Bridal readiness program
To look like a prince/princess on your wedding day is a secret dream of every girl/boy. For that a pre-wedding beauty routine is very necessary. Avanika make you look beautiful inside out with our traditional and classical treatments. It will make your skin toned up, tan free and glowing naturally. Our special purification therapy will prepare and nourish your body inside out.
Avanika’s bridal readiness program includes two parts. One is internal purification and preparation. Second is external treatments to improve your outer look. Internal purification includes the administration of traditional herbal medicines which will purify your body with its deep cleansing effects. External treatments will give a new life to your skin.
- Avanika’s bridal readiness program will make you beautiful inside out.
- Soft, tan free and Glowing skin.
- Personalized treatment for hormonal imbalance, menstrual irregularities, hair fall, Acne etc.
- Internal medicines will boost your immunity power and metabolism and makes you an energetic, strong version of yourself.
- Personalized external treatments for pigmentation, over weight, skin problems etc.
- Abyanga – classical oil massage
- Herbal facial
- Mukhalepa – herbal face mask
- Hair care
- Body scrubbing and polishing
- Swedana – Herbal steam bath
Package includes:
- One to one Ayurvedic consultations
- Diet and yoga advises
- Morning tea
- Daily personalized Ayurvedic therapies varying from 60–90 minutes as advised by specialist
- 3 days
- 5 days
- 7 days
Post Natal Care
Postnatal care program
Pregnancy to Delivery is a beautiful journey that should be cherished forever. But that journey definitely needs a lot of preparations and care during the pregnancy and after the delivery also. Mother should undergone particular treatments (both internal and external) to regain the strength of the body .
- Regain the strength of abdominal muscles and uterus.
- Helps to reduce the stretch marks
- Improves milk production
- Tone up the body.
- Reduce the belly fat.
- Reduces the aches and pains.
- Abhyanga – classical oil massage
- Swedana – herbal steam bath
- Veshtana – classical Ayurvedic bandaging technique
- sashtikalepam – application of paste made by sashtika rice
Package includes:
- One to one Ayurvedic consultations
- Diet and yoga advices
- Morning tea
- Daily personalized Ayurvedic therapies varying from 60–90 minutes as advised by specialist
- 7 days
Program For Professionals
- Ultimate solution for your neck and back pain / stiffness,
- Cures spinal problems,
- Dry eye,
- Weight gain,
- Stress,
- Sleeplessness etc
- Abhyanga – classical oil massage
- PotaliSweda – sudation treatment bolus contain assorted herbal leafs or powders
- Pizichil – continues pouring of warm medicated oil over body
- Sirodhara – pouring thin stream of oil on fore head
- Nasyam – administration of medicine through Nasal rout
- AkshiTharpana – application and retention of ghee on both eyes
- Vasthi – medicated enema
Package includes:
- One to one Ayurvedic consultations
- Diet and yoga advices
- Morning tea
- Daily personalized Ayurvedic therapies varying from 60–90 minutes as advised by specialist
- 7 days
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Hours & Contact
28A Bharathi Park 7th Cross, Saibaba Colony, Coimbatore
+9142229 69555
+9189039 69555
Open All Days 7:00 AM -7:00 PM